Monday, March 24, 2014

Further programming thoughts

I've realized looking at this that I probably can't hit everything to my satisfaction during the evenings if I only have two workouts across the 4 types of training days. Off of that, I'm thinking I'll handle each day in a more traditional bodybuilding sense and arrange the accessories by bodypart:

Press - Shoulders
Bench - Chest
Deadlift - Back
Squat - Back

Back's in twice because I doubt I'll benefit from a whole lot of extra leg volume. Different runs for each of them (and probably some hamstrings on deadlift day - basically the whole posterior chain). Probably looking at something like:

Dead: SLDL, Barbell Row, Curl, Jackknife
Press: Incline, DB Incline, Side Raise, Landmine Press
Squat: Trap Bar Lift, DB Row, Curl, Jackknife
Bench: Close Grip, DB Swiss, Cable Crossover, Push-Up

Picking lifts here was a bit tricky; the idea's to build up weak points and strengthen movement patterns, but I also want to make sure that the session opens with a "real" lift (i.e. something I'd consider supplemental and not accessory). It's a mildly close contest between Front Squats and Trap Bar Lifts, but I think I'll get some extra from the TBL just because it involves breaking something off the ground. Snatch Grip vs. Stiff-Leg deads is also a hard one, but if I'm already doing the trap bar I figure it's worth hitting my low back and hamstrings here.

These are all on the same rep pattern:
First: 6-10 x3
Second: 8-15 x3
Third: 10-15 x3
Fourth: Discretionary

Let's give it a try.

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