Monday, March 31, 2014

2014-03-31 Bench

Warmup, with 7.5lb DBs and some cat-camels

Bench -
135x13 (12, rerack, reset, 1)
I'm going to do some rolling around my shoulder; it's not feeling too hot right now.
I felt pretty bad on the first set, with that same "dead triceps" feeling I'm used to. My solution was to just tell myself I was being dumb and to push through it anyway, and it worked really well. I didn't really pause some of the reps (at least the very last one), but I got everything and feel pretty solid for next time.
Since I'm heavily mimicking Costis' approach to bench training, I decided to run a drop set and see how it went. I tried keeping a lot of the reps in the mid range and royally fucked up the groove, but mostly pulled things off. I can skip lockout without actually sacrificing range, so I'll just stick with that in future and stay roughly competition-style otherwise.
I wanted 15, but that turned out to be beyond my reach. I might try doing strip sets in future (135, 95, 45).

Pull-Up -
8, 7, 7, 6, 6

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