Sunday, March 23, 2014

2014-03-23 Push Press and Accessories


Push Press -
I felt really, really good coming into this one - I've got a strong feeling that the mix of high fatigue Friday, decent sleep both nights since then, caffeine, and actually hitting my macros yesterday set me up pretty well for success. The work sets weren't ridiculously easy, and I kept on knocking out my headphones (gave up wearing them pretty quickly), but I've got plenty of progress left on this one.

Pull-Ups -
10, 9, 7, 7
3 minutes rest. Very happy.

CG Bench -
135x9, 7, 6
3 minutes between the heavy sets.
I did these RE and fairly "tension"-style; I'm trying to give myself one rest at the end of the set, but otherwise keep tension in the muscles and focus on my pecs.
Set the goal here at 6-10.

DB Bench -
40x12, 14, 8
I forgot the RE rule and stopped at 12 (guideline was 8-12) for the first set; guess the weight's just going up next week.
Forgot that I'm supposed to do these on a swiss ball.

Push-Up -
9, 9, 7
Gotta work these up. No rep goal here.

Cable Crossover -
I'm still feeling these out, but my inclination here is to keep the handles high and wide, at least for a "lower" pec emphasis; it seems like going low hits the bulk of the muscle the most.

Face Pull -

I did today all in one go; I need to wake up earlier tomorrow to get everything in (again in one go) and then catch a plane. This week is going to be interesting.

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