Sunday, April 6, 2014

2014-04-06 Bench Press


Bench -
185x5, 5, 4, 1
I wasn't quite mentally here for these. I've also noticed that my caffeine doses don't seem to work very well anymore. At least one major technical flaw (pushing the bar away rather than myself through the bench), plus inadequate hip and heel drive.
I locked out most/all of the 135s; I'll try to avoid doing that again, since my triceps are a weak point here.

No pull-ups today; I'll put them back in on Wednesday (longer recover period for my shoulder, push pressing so violent shoulder extension regardless).

I've ordered a month's supply of taurine, citrulline, l-carnitine l-tartrate, and alpha-gpc; they're arriving tomorrow, and I'm interested to see how well that goes. That came to about $130 (with food expenses running about $350-$400 before off-meals). I've got an extra $1200 from my tax return, and while a fair bit of that's going to discretionary expenses (new shoes and clothes, sunglasses, car stereo header, belt(s)), I should have enough on the side to fund supplementation until the meet, and possibly through the end of the summer. I may also need to order more caffeine, though I'm hesitant about that after a brief episode yesterday.

Incidentally, if anyone actually human reads this, know how to identify your major friends and don't take them for granted. You never know when they'll proactively and unexpectedly come through for you without even knowing that you need them.

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