Monday, April 28, 2014

2014-08-28 Bench

Warmup (minimal holds)
Some LAX rolling for left upper back due to possible slap tear

Bench -
245 Unrack
190x3x4, 2 (3F), 1 (paused 3ct)
Possible causes:
1) General tiredness from deadlifting yesterday (addressed next time - Sunday's a day off)
2) General tiredness from work yesterday (worse next time - work starts earlier next Saturday)
3) Pressing tiredness from Friday (partially addressed next time - taking it easier this week but still attempting PR)
4) Pressing tiredness from cumulative pressing volume (mildly addressed next time - lower cumulative volume this week)
5) Fear over the possible slap tear, though benching didn't seem to aggravate it so I don't see much reason to worry
6) Possible sleep and stimulant issues; napping daily might not be helping.
I have three cycles left before the meet (plus one deadlift day if I get 395x5x3). If I don't get 5 reps on Sunday, I'll drastically drop the volume and take the Press days lighter until the meet.
Nixing drop sets for now as I run into final prep. I'm basically peaking now.

No chins due to worry about aggravating my left shoulder; I'm very paranoid about this.

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